How Yoga is Important for the Management of Stress

How Yoga is Important for the Management of Stress

It’s believed that yoga is very important when it comes to stress belief. In that, yoga leads to the realization of a good mood, an increase in mindfulness and a dose of self-compassion. These are other benefits apart from the physical ones it brings.

Overview of Yoga

Below are quite a number of the well-known techniques that have been discovered to reduce stress. They are derived from yoga:

  • The imagery of the mind
  • Moving physically
  • Controlled breathing
  • Meditation
  • Stretching

The name yoga is derived from the word “yoke” which means to bring together both the body, spirit and the mind. However, yoga’s benefits are so many when used for spiritual change, or for the management of stress and the well-being of the human system.

Impacts on the body

  • This is just a partial list of the benefits of yoga:
  • It reduces stress
  • It makes you sleep soundly
  • It reduces the cortisol levels
  • It improves quite a number of medical conditions
  • It’s a relief for the symptoms of both allergy and asthma
  • Helps a lot in smoking cessation
  • It lowers heart rate
  • Helps in spiritual growth
  • It gives one a sense of well-being
  • It reduces anxiety and muscle tension
  • Strength and flexibility are increased
  • The aging process is slowed

The benefits of yoga are so many. The more effort is involved the higher the payoff.

What’s yoga is involved with

Yoga involves stretching of the body and forming distinct poses while breathing slowly and controllable. During that time the body relaxes and energizes. There are different styles of yoga depending on the one you choose.


The physical benefits of yoga can be seen virtually and there are also psychological benefits that can be seen from its practice. These are; stress reduction and a sense of well-being. Spiritual benefits include the feeling of connectedness with God or spirit or a transcendence feeling.


Yoga requires someone to be committed and it’s not easy for individuals with certain physical disabilities. While doing some of the poses, some individuals can feel self-conscious. The yoga classes are possible although they can be expensive.

Its comparison with the methods of stress reduction

Because it has several techniques used for stress reduction, we can say it also possesses the combined benefits of breathing exercises, stretching exercises, meditation practice, guided imagery and fitness programs as one.

Yoga requires a lot of commitment and effort rather than taking pills or herbs to reduce stress.

How to begin

For beginners, yoga classes are very amazing. You will have expertise surrounding you and there will be somebody who will take you through the process. Apart from the classes, there are also apps that are very useful with yoga.

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