Self-Care Routine

10 Subtle Ways You Can Revigorate Your Self-Care Routine

Sometimes the idea of self-care can seem daunting.  Our lives move so fast and we have so many obligations that require our attention.  However, think back to the airplane mask analogy.  You need to put on your oxygen mask first, before you can help anyone else.  By taking care of yourself, you ensure that you have the energy and resources to meet any challenge in the day.

Here are ten simple truths why you should start to prioritize your wellbeing today:

  1. Know the moments you don’t think you can perform self-care is when you need it most!

Self-care is not something indulgent in our lives.  It’s a core component of ensuring your overall health.  It’s a lot like water, when you notice you are thirsty, you are actually already dehydrated.  Perform small acts of self-love every day to maintain optimal health.

  1. You don’t have to stop. Rest is crucial to your wellbeing

Self-care isn’t meant to be a chore.  It’s giving yourself permission to take a break and recharge your batteries.  Stop overexerting yourself, overindulging, being untrue to your spirit, and doubting your power or self-worth.  These habits hold us back from achieving our goals and dreams.  When you rest, you can take a step back and reassess your situation to ensure you are on the best path forward for yourself.

  1. Never stop trying

It ok if you lapse on a health habit.  It can feel impossible to always live a healthy lifestyle due to your current situation.  Sometimes you need to miss your gym day or have a comfort food meal.  The important thing is that you return to your healthy habits in the hopes of improving your overall wellness and to reconnect with your inner spirit.

  1. How long a feeling lasts and how long you expect it to last are very different things

This is true for both good feelings which we want to last forever, and the fear that our negative emotions will never fade away.

  1. It’s vital you set your priorities

The world can do all it wants to demand your attention.  Your spouse or children can all they want for you, but what expense does it cause you to answer these calls?  You need to understand your limits and what is most important to your overall health.  Remember your priorities can shift daily as your situation fluctuates.

  1. Just because someone doesn’t like your boundaries, doesn’t mean they should be ignored!

Boundaries are not there for anyone’s benefit but your own!  It is up to you to set and enforce your limits.  It is also up to you, to honor people’s guidelines in their life as well.

  1. There is freedom in setting limits

Setting guidelines is not a prison sentence.  In fact, it can liberate you to carve space for joy, creativity, and peace to enter your life.  Stop caring about what other people think and begin living for yourself.

  1. Focus on substance rather than style

Don’t obsess over what you should wear.  Its okay to routinely wear the same outfit as long as it helps add calmness to your life.  Consider how your time allotment will shift when you stop chasing sales, making impulse purchases, or stress about what to wear the next day.  Making fewer decisions will lessen fatigue as well as promote more grounding in your days.

  1. Get rid of the clutter

When you remove clutter and damaged items from you home, you reduce the amount of time you spend searching or cleaning things!  This will create more time for you to enjoy with loved one or to pursue your passion projects.

  1. Simplify your life

If you aren’t sure of something value in your life, consider getting rid of it.  Simplifying your life helps you better understand your needs, wants and priorities.

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